
Certkey Juniper Training

Juniper Certifications

Juniper Networks Certified Associate - Junos
Juniper Networks Certified Associate Security
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional Data Center
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional ENT
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional SEC
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional SP
Enterprise Routing and Switching, Specialist (JNCIS-ENT)
Juniper Networks Certified Specialist Security
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Specialist SP

Popular Juniper Exams

Junos, Associate (JNCIA-Junos)
Service Provider Routing and Switching, Professional (JNCIP-SP)
Enterprise Routing and Switching, Specialist (JNCIS-ENT)
Data Center, Professional (JNCIP-DC)
Junos, Associate (JNCIA-Junos)


All Juniper Exams

JN0-103: Junos, Associate (JNCIA-Junos)

Q & A$79.99

JN0-1302: Data Center Design, Specialist (JNCDS-DC)

Q & A$79.99

JN0-1331: Security Design, Specialist (JNCDS-SEC)

Q & A$79.99

JN0-211: Cloud, Associate

Q & A$79.99

JN0-221: Automation and DevOps, Associate

Q & A$79.99

JN0-334: Security, Specialist

Q & A$79.99

JN0-348: Enterprise Routing and Switching, Specialist

Q & A$79.99

JN0-412: Cloud, Specialist (JNCIS-Cloud)

Q & A$79.99

JN0-635: Security, Professional

Q & A$79.99

JN0-663: Service Provider Routing and Switching, Professional (JNCIP-SP)

Q & A$79.99

JN0-681: New Data Center, Professional

Q & A$79.99


Juniper Customers' Feedbacks

Got Exactly what I needed! Thanks CertKey

Due to tough competition my job was never secure and I felt the need of improving my credentials. Computer security was a field that I was always interested in so I decided to go into it by appearing for Isaca exam. I consulted my friend and she suggested me Cert Key at one moment I felt that its preparation materials might not suit me but gradually after 3 or 4 days I began to follow their exercises. The theoretical portion is simply great it's what I really needed for quick study and reviews. Moreover the great testing engine kept me updated and motivated due to which I passed Isaca with good scores. Thanks Mindy Taka

said on Feb 29, 2012

Best Q's & A's For Isaca Candidates

There is nothing worse for students who come to know that passing Isaca exam is another requirement for getting good jobs after graduation. Unfortunately I had no money to attend seminars or classes for Isaca but really got encouragement to try CertKey on friend's recommendation. I enrolled my name on their website and after few hours I got access to the practice questions and answers. They really took my preparations to higher level and I passed Isaca with flying colors. I have become a big fan of Certkey and recommend it to all of you. Thanks Sarah Tai

said on Mar 5, 2012

Thanks For Training Contents & Tips

Hey CertKey Its party time ! I have passed Isaca exam successfully thanks to your Isaca tutorial pack. Your contents and tips were really useful while attempting the Isaca actual exam and I am feeling lucky that I prepared with you not any where else. I loved to see the testing tools on your web you have designed and since then I am recommending them to all I know. After passing my belief and confidence in your products has gone way up and I am thinking to appear for couple of more exam with you. Thank you and keep on doing the great work. Best Wishes Ken Lesley

said on Apr 5, 2012

Bridal Blues

I just got married, and the nervousness that comes with being a new bride, settling at home, getting to know your husband handling peer pressure and the pressure from on going studies drives you nuts. But well life goes on and it should be that way always. Certkey helped me in my times of stress, I had lots of family matters and dinners to handle and your step by step Isaca products helped me learn all the concepts within no time at all. Installed the product at my mothers and my husband's place and was able to learn from both the houses. Thank you for helping me pass Isaca . Perry Loop

said on Jan 2, 2013

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